Gideon only needed 300 Lightbearers


Do you remember the thrill of joining a candelight service where hundreds of candles illuminated an entire sanctuary? It began with one candle lighting another, each sharing light with others until the entire building sparkled with light. Each person had an essential role in dawning light into the darkness.

Will you join us now as one of 300 lights used by God to illuminate the darkness? In the story of Gideon, found in Judges 7, God selected 300 people to support Gideon as He routed the Midianites. Although the 300 never battled the Midianites themselves, they supported God's work by simply blowing their trumpets and breaking clay jars that held a torch!

At Crossway Ministries, we weave the scarlet threads of God's Word into the problematic circumstances of daily life facing the people God sends our way. We watch as God battles the modern day Midianites of marital problems, unstable parent-child relationships, and emotional problems. As people see how they can experience the abundant life by applying the truth of God's Word to daily problems, we and our supporters become the 300 that rejoice in watching the Midianites flee.

In this manner, we are initimately acquainting each person with Jesus Christ and the practical application of His teaching for everyday living. When a person encounters Christ, their life changes.


Ask the woman at the well, the blind Bartimaus, the woman with the issue of blood,
the Gaderene Demoniac, the woman caught in adultery, Saul of Tarsus,
Stan, Jonathan and Lisa, Charlie and Joyce, Cheryl or Emily ...


Cheryl was referred by a supporter of our ministry because of an eating disorder that was compelling her toward suicidal thoughts. She felt all Mom's love was given to her older sister who was a thin, pretty and popular "A" student. Dieting constantly to earn Mom's love and acceptance was fruitless. As Cheryl learned to apply the truth of God's personal unconditional love to her own life, she could finally rest in the fact that she had worth, value, significance and a reason to live. Today Cheryl is an outgoing mom secure in her identity in Christ. The relationships with her Mom and sister are restored, vibrant and accepting. Cheryl is now a lightbearer herself.


Emily came to Crossway looking for support after a failed engagement. She had been looking for love in all the wrong places. Using a verse by verse study of Romans 5-8 she began to understand the gospel for the first time. She had grown up in church but her view of God's love was based on getting acceptance from Him by obeying his rules. The Romans study taught her about God's plan of redemption for her and also helped her realize that she was a sinner. She came to salvation after realizing that her faith had been placed in the things she did to get God's acceptance rather than her faith being in Jesus and His sacrifice for her sins.

Many of the people we have seen may have missed the opportunity to know about Christ-centered, Bible-based counseling or been unable to afford it without the help of our supporters. They are not only our financial lifeline but also our best source of referrals. Your support allows us to continue to grow and train others to share the truth of God's Word with hurting people.


We need 300 people who would be willing to share $10, $20 or $30 on a regular monthly basis to join our team of lightbearers. Rejoice in knowing that your support is being used by God to bring about changed lives.